Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
I love what I do? Why is that? It’s because I love helping people. I have several modalities that can help people’s energy – whether it’s Reiki and giving somebody an energy boost, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) that involves freeing people’s emotions (all emotions are energy after all) or Yoga which helps people through breathing (Pranayama) and postures (Asanas) to enable them to adjust their energy so that it flows more easily and smoothly through the body.
Any of these modalities help a person (and their energy) to better assist them in any form of healing whether that is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
It provides a platform for your body and mind to feel better; for you to feel better.
It helps me to help you give yourself your power back (your ‘va va voom’ if you like).
So can I help anybody else?
Yes – of course I can!
Animals – I LOVE animals.

Since being in France I have worked with Phoenix Association helping to foster cats and kittens for the past few years. Many of which were feral/semi feral when they came to me.
Also previously I have been co-owner and/or lived with various dogs, cats and have worked and ridden horses for quite a few years too (even working as a PA at the Talland School of Equitation for a while).
Recently I have fostered the most gorgeous dog called Beau.
Sadly whilst out walking Beau was attacked by 2 loose dogs. Being the gentle soul that he was he didn’t retaliate – he is old and on heart medication. So he was in the ‘freeze’ reaction to being attacked (could neither run, or fight back). Fortunately prior to this attack we had done several days of Reiki to help him settle fully into the family and I have no doubt that this helped him.
Obviously post attack Beau was treated by a Vet and then slept for nearly 24 hours – whilst being very closely monitored.
What followed were typical symptoms from any living creature following trauma – unsteady, lacking confidence, appetite unlevel, upset stomach, fatigue, lethargy, and a triggered response to anything going near his back end or other dogs barking. He needed constant reassurance, love, patience and company to help him get through this.
So we started Reiki and EFT again.
Now not wanting to do ‘’too much’’ I have only done several sessions in the past week. The first one was noticeable that Beau relaxed very much into me and allowed me to give him Reiki.
The session lasted about 7 or so minutes. At which point he got up off the bed and walked around to get back on exactly where he left off. But that was enough for him. That was my subtle cue that he had received enough.

He then slept the deepest, quietest sleep he had since the attack (this was about 6 days afterwards). He didn’t move, flinch or anything despite me leaving the bed and doing odd jobs and working.
The following day his energy levels had increased, his wounds appeared to be healing better and irritated him less, and his appetite was back!
And best of all – his tail was constantly wagging again. He had again that nice bouncing trot to his step.
His routine is still not as good as it was but it is certainly much, much better.
We are going to resume both the EFT and Reiki over the coming week as he has started to suffer with separation anxiety again since the attack.
Prior to the attack if he ever got ‘over stimulated’ when I returned home, we would use tapping to calm his breathing (and heart rate) and we have simple rules now in the house that are clear regarding how long Beau will be left for.
All in all – it has made a HUGE difference I feel.
And I have my next client waiting for my treatment. A gorgeous dog that is Jack Russell x.
Should you wish any Reiki or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) for your animals then please do let me know. I would be happy to discuss your requirements.
Suggested plans are a mixture or Reiki and/or EFT for 5 sessions. Costs to be confirmed after discussion.
Please note that this treatment is not just for cats and dogs, but other animals also (fish, birds, sheep, pigs, horses, etc).
