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Writer's pictureJo Gilder

Change is the ONLY constant....

Since COVID my direction has changed.

My Yoga Business that I had successfully built up over several years stopped - just suddenly stopped.

I accept and embrace that change. It’s part of life isn’t it? Being able to ‘go with the flow’.

There is a saying that if you ‘force’ things then the Universe won’t work in your Favour (or similar for example).

We have to ‘go with the flow’ and accept the timings of things.

Since becoming a Yoga Teacher I have evolved – my perspective on life has changed. I appreciate the things that money can’t buy. I am less extrinsic. Look for the ‘smaller and simpler’ things in life.

For example. The sun shining in the sky.

The laughter you hear on the streets.

Finding that parking spot.

Having your car or computer start in the morning.

Having beautiful friends in your life (you know who you are!).

Watching the sun rise or the sun set.

Having a cup of coffee.

Playing scrabble.

Having a barbecue.

Mowing a lawn.

Helping somebody feel better.

Being there, not just for you but for somebody else as well.

Seeing and surrounding yourself with genuine people.

I have been the woman who was first in the office and last to leave. Fighting for my career in a male dominated world. Before children I was so proud of my achievements! General Manager – Administrator and Finance. After years of continually proving myself I had ‘made it’. I had gotten to a place I had always dreamed of. A good salary. Respected and liked by work colleagues alike.

However, looking back now I realise that I wasn’t happy – or if I was it was a different sort of happy. A ‘this is what would make me happy’ sort of look about it. You know, married, home, car, good job... a bit of money in the bank.... All the things you learn in school (see previous blog about that!).

Now – it’s different.

Different but better? Who knows?

For me it’s certainly more peaceful.



In the moments where I can sip my coffee in bed and watch the sunrise through my back door. My gorgeous cats cuddled up close to me.

The moments I can hear the children playing outside – laughing as they try new tricks in the trampoline. Ride each other’s bikes.

Those are the moments.

Is this what my whole direction has been?

We certainly don’t know what life is going to throw at us. But we do know one thing. It will always be moving along.

Change is the only constant after all.

Has life been good? Not always.

But it has certainly shaped my character to what and who I am now.

Taking the lessons learned from life and using them to make me a more thoughtful person.

A more considerate person.

Somebody who thinks of other (maybe a little too much).

Becoming a Yoga Teacher and Reiki Master has certainly opened my ability to help others more.

Be more intuitive. Be more sensitive to myself and those around me.

Do I know what I want to become? Not really.

Am I happy? I’d be foolish to say I am happy all the time. But I certainly have a lighter step and can see far more positives than ever before.

Physically and mentally I am in a really good place. But I put effort into that – to ensure that I am in the best place possible – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

When you see the blessings in your life. You smile.

You see and feel with your heart.

That’s what you need to do.

Feel with your heart. Open your heart and let the love flow.

Love is the answer; you know that for sure.

Sending love to all on Mother’s Day (in France).

Namaste xxx

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