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Writer's pictureJo Gilder

Growing Old....???

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

Why do people feel embarrassed to age gracefully??

In today’s modern world we are always told what we need to be better, or what we should do to be better,

wear this,

do this to yourself,

dye your hair,

lose weight,

drive this car,

wear this jewellery,

buy this car,

live in this area…….

But aren’t we enough as we are?

In the UK and Americas (ok, broad sweeping statement, but you know….) we are taught to be able to juggle all sorts… housewife, mother, career woman, and good wife… Of course, that would be great in a perfect world, but on top of that we are supposed to look good, be slim, have trendy clothes, and above all ‘’act perfect’’…. (obviously there are various Countries, Tribes, Cultures where this isn’t applicable)….

There are many visions of perfect of course, but the media (mainstream, etc) dangle this carrot of ‘’if you like look this; are successful at this; are great at this; have 2.4 children; a great husband;…etc” then you will be ‘happy’ and you will be content – bla bla bla bla…

First of all – this is not a true picture of happiness.. is it?

A person constantly striving to better themselves to ‘fit in to the norm’ (whatever the norm is)?

A person dieting to extremes and sometimes sacrificing their health to fit into a smaller size pair of jeans?

To complete things that do not make them happy or feel complete?

To constantly compete with other people to be the ‘’best’’?

We all at times forget what drives us.

What lights our fire.

What keeps us motivated.

And what is essentially keeping us ‘happy’.

Do you ever sit down and reflect on your life and say – yes, today I feel happy….?

Take time out to look at the sunrise or the sunset?

Take time out to walk in nature without your phone? (I oftentimes detest technology and the distraction it causes on society).

Happiness comes in many forms such as gratitude and being thankful for what you have regardless of how little….

But within the confines of social media enticing and teasing us that we should be better, we often lose ourselves.

Media can be a very toxic tool with which we ‘bash ourselves over the head’.

It was only later in life that I ‘sat’ and looked at what was going on. During my yoga teacher training I went deep within. More than I had ever done before. Where was I? What was I doing? And so on.

Now several years later I am again a little larger than I would like (maybe it’s the menopause? The getting older? The reduction in yoga practice? Who knows….), but I am also taking the bold decision to stop dying my hair. I never (indeed, very very, very rarely) wear makeup – lip salve is about it, and I wear what I feel comfortable in. Most of my clothes are many, many years old.

I wasn’t too keen on the red/grey combination, so in a very bold move I decided to cut my hair off. My theory is, if it looks pants then it will grow again…. It is still a bit of a wild mess most days but to be honest I’m not bothered about that either….

I don’t think it looks too bad… but a million miles apart from my last public photograph… But do you know what? I really, genuinely don’t care and I am not worried what I ‘’look’’ like. What I look like does not define me.

I am not slim, and I am grey. I have lines – but who doesn’t? It proves I have loved and laughed, and obviously cried.

This isn’t a tool with which to criticise or demoralise those that take great pride in what they look like either. For some it’s a tool with which to improve their confidence, their morale, their sense of being, etc. We are all individuals and we should all continue to do what makes us feel better without judgement..... (as long as it doesn't involve harming others obviously).

I am content with myself. I have the most gorgeous friends and family.

If you don’t like me as I am then that’s fine too. I can’t be liked by everybody – if we were all the same life would indeed be very dull wouldn’t it?

I try my best to do what is right and good and for each response from the Universe I act accordingly – with an open heart and mind.

Whilst I am not ‘religious’ I believe very much in the power of Nature, the Universe and follow the general Buddhists philosophy.

I eat as healthily and as cleanly as possible – often making meals from basic meat and vegetables. Using spices and cream/butter to taste.

As life goes on I will be embracing the grey and the extra weight (if it comes off, it comes off right?).

And moving on…

Yoga is up and running again albeit with no public classes at present, whilst I continue on my journey with my Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping therapy as some call it). But I have taken on board the ‘motivation for January (and February)’ ethos and provided discounts for January and February – so grab your mat (or I can provide one if you have a one-to-one lesson) and let us sit and do some contemplation, gratitude and some ‘’listening to our body’’.

So with this in mind – embrace and live the current, reflect positively on the past and what we have learned, and put our positive mindset in place for the future!

And above all – ACCEPT WHO WE ARE!!!!!

Just BE

Love, Namaste… XXX

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