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What is EFT and does it really work???

Writer's picture: Jo GilderJo Gilder

I am a fully qualified Yoga Teacher and have been so for over 6 years now, working in the South of France.

One of my clients is an (EFT) Emotional Freedom Technique trainer and introduced me to ‘tapping’ one day in 2019. I have never looked back and regularly use it for my own emotional growth.

I became a Guild of Energists Master Energy Practitioner in August 2020 and in August/September 2021 I completed my Level 1 and 2 Attendance Certification for Emotional Freedom Technique International. The same therapeutic modality but very slightly different methods.

So what is this amazing Emotional Freedom Technique?

Firstly what I think I need to explain clearly is that it’s a very GENTLE modality. It has many various ways of helping you – it’s not a pure ‘talk and relive every second’ type of therapy. There are various guises and methods which can help phobias, anxieties, stress, boost energy, help to heal trauma including CPTSD/PTSD, and of course can contribute to easing mental, emotional, psychological and physical pain. Therefore you don’t have to face ‘your fear/trauma’ ‘’head on’’. Please note that everybody’s version of trauma is different – as much as we are unique, so are our experiences.

In short EFT can be used for anything – the list is not exhaustive at all.

There are many specialised trainers in areas such as depression, stress, anxiety, eating disorders, trauma and abuse, increasing confidence, motivation and so on.

So taking all that in… Emotional Freedom Technique is a way to release trapped emotions that are causing unease and/or disease in the body/mind/spirit body, for the past, present and future.

When we are faced with something that scares, shocks, frightens, or saddens us we ‘trap’ those emotions in a fight/flight/freeze. Our body produces chemicals (namely adrenaline and cortisol in fight/flight) that can ‘trap’ these emotions within our mind and body. So therefore sometimes we don’t deal with them effectively and ‘release’ them from us. This can cause us emotional, psychological, and mental unease, as well as physical dis-ease.

Emotional Freedom Technique helps us to gently release these issues enabling us to lead a calmer life more in balance with our body, mind and spirit.

Should you participate with a practitioner to help any issues then you also learn how to tap for yourself- however, it is obviously recommended to use a suitably trained Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner who can help and guide you. It's similar to a non-invasive accupuncture whereby instead of needles you use your fingertips.

It can be used for our fears and anxieties about something that has happened in the past that we are aware of, something that we are not aware of (such as beliefs passed on to us subconsciously or inherited from our parents), issues that we are currently facing and don’t know how to deal with, and anxiety of the uncertain future events (particularly useful for calming nerves for an upcoming event for example).

Have a look for yourself at the various studies that have been undertaken and how EFT can help:

I would be happy to chat with you if you consider using EFT to help with any issue.

Even if you don’t feel confident tapping on yourself, a practitioner can tap on you or you can tap wherever you feel comfortable.

The good news is that EFT is becoming more widely known. Some celebrities that have used tapping to help them remain more calm and grounded include (but is not limited to):

Prince Harry

Boy George


Duchess of Cornwall

Michael Ball

Deeprak Chopra

Oprah Winfrey

Should you wish to find out more or receive an initial session then please just contact me on

Together we can start a journey – to help you help yourself.

Leading you to a life of calm.






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